Treasure Hunt

brought to you by AS&H, PCCOE


Each team should consist of 4 people.
The competition will be conducted in hybrid mode.


Registration Page :

product image
Treasure Hunt
₹400/- Group

Rules of Treasure Hunt :

Total 3 rounds

Note :

1. Each team should consist of 4 people.
2. The competition will be conducted in hybrid mode.
3. The use of A.I. chatbots like ChatGPT is strictly prohibited.
4. Participants are not allowed to use laptops, smartwatches.
5. Strict monitoring of participants will be implemented, with assistance from volunteers if necessary.
6. Each round will have a specified time limit that participants must adhere to.
7. The final decision will be based on computerized results and made by the event coordinators.
8. The decision of the event coordinators is final and binding, not subject to contestation.
9. The organizers may make changes or updates to the contest rules, and participants are kindly encouraged to stay informed of the same.
10. Violation of any rule may result in immediate disqualification.